How to Avoid Making Silly Mistakes on the SAT Test

For any individual who has invested energy doing rehearse SATs, senseless errors are an angering however very basic event. They summon eye-rolls, debilitated heads striking against work areas, and unending face-palms. A senseless mix-up could be the aftereffect of a basic math mistake, misreading some portion of a perusing entry, or disregarding a comma in the Writing and Language part of the test. In any case, anyway they happen, senseless oversights cost test-takers pivotal focuses.


Everybody commits senseless errors, from 1000-territory understudies to 1500+ understudies. That is absolutely why these oversights must be won. Like it or not, keeping away from senseless errors is a key piece of SAT test-taking system.

In this article, we need to recover some lost focuses for you by showing you how to maintain a strategic distance from senseless mix-ups. A little practice with the techniques I recommend, and I can ensure your brow will bless your heart.

Where to Start: Sweat the Small Stuff

Prior to going into points of interest about staying away from senseless oversights, it’s essential to open with certain remarks on the general attitude that avoids senseless missteps.

The test with senseless missteps is that they appear to be arbitrary and unimportant. On the off chance that you know the equation for the zone of a triangle is ½ base occasions stature, missing an inquiry including triangle territory must be an accident, correct?

Accidents may occur every now and then, yet so as to eliminate senseless missteps, you can’t expect anything is an accident. Rather, you need to expect every one of your errors have a reason or the like, and you have to (a) discover those reasons and (b) discover explicit approaches to fix them.

The two undertakings require enormous scrupulousness. From one perspective, you need to give exceptionally close consideration as you survey your training tests. Is there any example in the sort of senseless oversights you make? Do any conditions on the test will in general correspond with more slip-ups?

Then again, you need to make sense of precisely what to change to avoid botches. Something general like “I have to peruse all the more cautiously” never helps since it doesn’t give enough guidance.

When you’re prepared to think thusly, you can delve in. The methodologies you arrive on should be customized to work for you, so you may adjust what I recommend or think of something altogether new, yet I need to make a couple of recommendations for each segment.

SAT Reading

Senseless oversights on the Reading segment quite often come down to not perusing something, or if nothing else not understanding it cautiously enough.

In mentoring sessions, I habitually call attention to phrases or even individual words in the content or the appropriate response decisions, just to have my understudies state something like “I can’t trust I missed that!” One slip of the eye, and you can miss significant data that prompts a senseless oversight.

Two methodologies specifically are useful for redressing this kind of SAT perusing botch:

1. Never take a sentence outside of any relevant connection to the issue at hand

Without giving it much thought, when you’re scrambling to complete the test in time, it very well may be anything but difficult to surge when you glance back at the entries to discover answers. Hurrying is difficult to maintain a strategic distance from altogether, however in the event that in your surging you just perused piece of a sentence, or take a sentence outside of any relevant connection to the issue at hand, you’re stuck in an unfortunate situation.

The SAT structures test inquiries to ensure you’re not simply skimming for words and locking on to the principal thing you find. Along these lines, it’s exceptionally basic for a response to not be right on the grounds that a piece of a sentence appears to state something, when in reality perusing the entire sentence all the way uncovers an alternate importance.

Correspondingly, one sentence may appear to state something in disengagement yet mean something else with regards to different sentences around it. Consequently, I prescribe that understudies really mark with their pencils where a sentence starts and closures, at that point read both the sentence they’re taking a gander at and the sentence that comes directly before it. In spite of the fact that there are a few situations where more setting is required, the entire sentence in addition to the sentence before is commonly a decent spot to begin.

2. Utilize the procedure of end with the appropriate response decisions

This might be a natural procedure, however what I’m recommending is utilizing it with a certain goal in mind: effectively search for seemingly insignificant details that could settle on an answer decision off-base. Since the SAT is a proof based perusing test, it is highly contrasting. On the off chance that the content does not totally bolster an answer, the appropriate response must be off base.

Be that as it may, the SAT wants to incorporate a trace of validity in erroneous answer decisions on the perusing to test how cautiously you’re perusing. So when you do procedure of end, consider the little subtleties. Here and there, it’s smarter to ask “What may make this answer wrong?” as opposed to “Is this answer right?”

SAT Writing and Language

Much like the Reading segment, the Writing and Language part of the SAT preys on understudies who don’t peruse cautiously. So the principal procedure to stay away from senseless oversights in this piece of the test is like the primary system I referenced for perusing:

1. Never perused piece of a sentence

Since the Writing and Language area just underlines a piece of a sentence for you to fix, it’s anything but difficult to get focused on the underlined segment and the words around it. Be that as it may, this sort of center is very risky in light of the fact that it keeps you from seeing more extensive syntactic issues.

One decision may fix the expression quickly encompassing the underlined part yet transform the entire sentence into a sentence section. To abstain from giving this a chance to occur, on each and every inquiry, you should peruse the sentence right from the main word to the final word subsequent to picking your answer.

2. Compose on the test

A moment methodology I frequently propose for the composition and language is tied in with utilizing your pencil. For some inquiry types, the syntactic standards included are exceptionally basic and instinctive to practically all understudies—so natural that our minds will “autocorrect” wrong answers, understanding the sentence in spite of a linguistic issue. In these cases, composing on the test can help mood killer autocorrect.

I’m speaking explicitly about inquiries with pronouns and action words, which come up different occasions on each SAT. We as a whole realize that the pronoun “he” can’t allude to a gathering and that a solitary subject, for example, “John” requires a particular action word, for example, “eats” instead of a plural one, for example, “eat.” But by one way or another, these are probably the most as often as possible missed inquiries I see from understudies on all aspects of the range from 1000 to 1500+.

To battle this issue, I tell my understudies that each time they see an action word in the appropriate response decisions, they have to go circle the subject, and each time they see a pronoun in the appropriate response decisions, they have to go circle the thing to which the pronoun alludes. It might feel senseless—it is anything but a hard undertaking, all things considered—yet doing it recorded as a hard copy rather than in your mind can have a major effect.

Something about cooperating with the test recorded as a hard copy just commits errors that are typically not entirely obvious progressively self-evident.

SAT Math

The Math area is maybe the hardest spot in the SAT to get senseless slip-ups. Since there’s a ton of work that goes into numerous math issues, there are heaps of spots for something to turn out badly without you taking note.

Much of the time, however, there is a shockingly basic approach to audit the majority of your work all at once:

Fitting your answer once more into the inquiry.

This isn’t constantly conceivable, yet in case you’re at any point approached to settle for a variable (or an articulation), you can generally check by returning the variable to the data given. The excellent thing about this system is that it takes just a couple of moments, however it in a split second lets you know whether you committed an error. On the off chance that connecting back yields a number inconsistent with the data given, you have the wrong answer!

Connecting by and large gets senseless slip-ups that originate from figuring mistakes. Be that as it may, senseless math errors aren’t just about erroneous conclusions; they’re likewise—by and by—about perusing mistakenly.

Misreading on the math is something I see particularly with high-scoring understudies: If the math required for the inquiry appears to be simple, understudies will hurry through the content of the inquiry to begin the figurings. Be that as it may, in doing as such, they misread (or don’t peruse) some portion of the inquiry and commit a senseless error therefore.

One normal error from misreading is giving an answer the inquiry didn’t really pose for. The SAT wants to request something just somewhat more mind boggling than a variable, for example, “x + 2” or “3y.” The test producers realize that understudies have been instructed in school to reflexively illuminate for a variable, so they settle on one answer decision the estimation of the variable while really requesting an articulation.

For instance, an inquiry may go something like this:

3x + 2y = 5

y = 7

In this arrangement of conditions, what is the estimation of 3x?

A) – 3

B) – 9

C) 19

D) 21

Normally, you may connect y and find that x = – 3. Also, that is an answer decision… yet it’s a snare. The inquiry pose for the estimation of 3x, which is – 9.

To manage mix-ups this way, I propose two systems to understudies:

1. Explain the inquiry

All the more explicitly, circle precisely what the inquiry pose for. Doing this will back you off and attract thoughtfulness regarding what you ought to discover.

2. Peruse, explain, read

This implies perusing the issue again in the wake of settling it. In some cases those couple of additional seconds of room given by understanding the inquiry make it so you see something in the inquiry you didn’t see the first run through around.

Pulling It All Together with Practice

I’ve recommended a few methodologies to help stay away from senseless oversights. Ideally these will kick you off, yet I could list some more, as every system is explicit to a particular sort of oversight, and there are a great deal of approaches to commit senseless errors.

You can likewise think of more systems all alone that fit your test-taking propensities—on the off chance that you do this, simply make certain to make them explicit. For more posts about the SAT prep, you can read our SAT blog.

How to Avoid Making Silly Mistakes on the SAT Test